We help millions fans realise their dream - to touch the life of professional athletes and world-famous starS

We used to collect cards of our favorite players, trade them, and share our collections. Now, we're offering to take our relationship with your favorite players to the next level

2 Fans: Our platform allows anyone to support an athlete, regardless of their club or level. The athlete's profiles include their stats, ways to communicate with them, and much else

2 Athletes: Our wallet is suitable for athletes of all levels. No need for "big brand" sponsors. Rather, get crowdfunded from colleagues, friends and fans

How it works: for Athletes
1. Create new ISA
2. Check offering parametrs
3. Monitoring money receptes
  • 1
    AI-driven users checking
    It is important for SW that athletes and fans receive clean money and do not have issues in the future with the legal purity of sources of money.

    Users may provide flexibility in the settings for the purity of the transaction depending on the their jurisdiction
  • 2
    Convenient distribution of incomes between fans
    Convenient automated distribution of payments and receipt of money per month in accordance with the athlete's salary and payments in accordance with the purchased ISAs. SW receive money directly from clubs, leagues and agents without the direct participation of the athlete, so that there is no lag in what he forgot, was late, did not want, etc

    NOTE: There is no need to search for the athlete and calculate your payment. The platform does everything centrally and automatically
  • 3
    AI-based personalized offers
    Based on athletes' public profiles and previous activities, we create personalized packages and ISA issues offers for launching by athletes
  • 4
    Security of transactions
    The transaction is confirmed by digital signature on the platform.
    NOTE: not blockchain, since extremely fast transaction transactions are important to us
  • 5
    Simple tax accounting
    This method allows us to achieve success in problems of all levels.
  • 6
    Reliable platform with distributed transaction storage
    We record transactions by signing an electronic signature, sending them by mail to a fan (if necessary), sending them by mail to an athlete (if necessary), and store them in several distributed databases

Where we go

In the next phase, we introduce the chance to not just purchase shares of your beloved athletes but also to profit from them by selling

Begin investing in athletes early in their careers and experience exponential growth as they enter the world of sports through their first professional contracts

Join us to help millions fans realise their dream - to touch the life of professional athletes and world-famous stars
Sports Wallet is platform where fans can help finance professional careers of new athletes in exchange for a percent of their future earnings. Fans invest in emerging athletes by buying shares of their “cards’”, much like companies’ stocks, using Income Shared Agreemnt
2024 MAKSAT Corp. All Rights Reserved
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730 Moreno Ave, Palo Alto, CA